PathHub LIMS

Tailored Digital Pathology Solution for Hospitals
Digital technologies have the capability to push Pathology into becoming more efficient and more scalable. There is scope to transform the job of pathologists into a more creative and data-driven profession, facilitating workflow improvement and permitting patients to receive diagnoses faster and more accurately.
Whilst there is reluctance from the pathology sector to embrace technological advances, it’s been further exacerbated by digital providers not being ready with accessible solutions; full service provision is not easily available, costs are seen as prohibitive, and unnecessary complexity has been built into the marketing model, deterring the move from the microscope to the digital screen.
PathHub LIMS is a customized digital LIMS solution for larger healthcare institutions, enabling the establishment to embrace digital pathology via a simple streamlined approach, unrestricted by huge capital outlays or long on-board timelines. Whilst we integrate with 99% of global slide scanner manufacturers, PathHub LIMS can be used with glass slides if your organization is not ready to install scanners. As a bi-note, we do offer a very cost effective slide digitization service at our licensed laboratories.
Our core model is currently in use in a number of institutions, however as each institution’s needs are different the software is customized for you to ensure a 100% fit for purpose. Our Matrix Widget Library has a whole array of functionality and modules to customize and implement tailored solutions, faster, more cost effectively and with less stress and disruption to you. We understand busy hospital's cannot afford downtime with back office infrastructure development, so we promise a fast onboarding project for your organization.
Responsive Consultation & Solution Process
Our New Business Team incorporates an Account Executive, Project Lead, Workflow Management Analyst, in-company Pathologist and IT Analyst. They work with your team to analyze your requirements and customize the assembly, integration and go-live of your bespoke solution.
PathHub Matrix Widgets
We build your solution from PathHub Matrix Widgets, our LIMS building Blocks. Modules are selected from a menu giving you options from simple report viewing access to full deployment, with patient records, laboratory processing, digital pathology & diagnostic reporting. PathHub Widgets are already built, tried & tested, no risky time consuming or expensive new code. Over a million cases have been processed & reported using the technology.
Our design & installation team's main role will be to map your requirements, integrate to any existing systems in your infrastructure which you wish to retain, and train your nominated personnel. We provide a risk free solution and give you peace of mind. Your dedicated project lead will keep you informed of progress against target timeline. In general we can onboard an average sized hospital fully integrated LIMS solution within 3 to 4 months of contract signing.
Overview of PathHub Matrix Widget Library
Overview of PathHub Matrix Widget Library
- Patient booking system
- Consultation handler, for patient case notes & images
- Specimen taking and booking to laboratory
- Laboratory specimen processing, including further work or special requests
- Pathologist reporting
- Digital slide viewer with Image analysis, measurement & annotation tools
- Multi Disciplinary Team management scheduler
- 2nd opinion & peer network collaborator
- Education & interesting case library
- Courier booking & tracking for specimen transport
- ICD10 codes
- CTP codes
- Efficiency Template Short Codes
- Integrated Billing for payment by patient, insurance companies and Medicare
- Secure Messaging Service, both inter-departmental and external collaborators
- Management performance tool; charts, graphs, tables. All data can be exported to csv or excel for further reporting options.
ICD-10, CTP and template Short Codes: to greatly enhance the depth, quality and accuracy of reporting, and enables more effective business performance management as well as streamlined billing.
All customized to attractive, simple to use individual dashboards as per user duties and work flow requirements.

Benefits Summary
- Software is already complete, no new code required; solution customized from matrix widgets
- No lengthy on-boarding timelines, within a few months we have go-live
- Online access, no software downloads, no update requirements - meaning no downtime
- API & device integration interfacing
- Use glass slide, or we integrate with 99% of global imaging scanners, for a true digital solution
- Optimizing work flow efficiency
- Facilitating faster turn around times
- End-to-end case visibility for all authorized users
- API & device integration interfacing
- Multi device access with same security protocols across all device types
Building Trust, & Remaining Compliant
PathHub data security and integrity is a top level priority, along with fast data process and retrieval times. In summary all our client's data is hosted with:
- Secure 24/7 managed US data centers
- Federal Healthcare Audit Compliance
- Private hosted environment & multi layer firewalls
- End-2-end data encryption
- Backups; 5 min onsite, 24 hr & 30 day offsite
- Multi-tier access authentication
- SSL & SSAE 18 Certification
- Business Associate Agreement
- ISO 9000 Certification

and client’s devices, and at rest on servers, providing a reliable and stable infrastructure. Mandatory compliance with HIPAA, HITECH and Sarbanes-Oxley both for PathHub and its associates, whilst standards such as the ISO 9000 are an assurance that systems and procedures are in place for effective process management. Read More ...
Should the size of your organization warrant, we corner off your data to dedicated managed servers and create a hosting environment exclusively for your use.
Please contact us to discuss further, an experienced business executive will scope your requirements and with open honesty will let you know if we are a viable solution for you.