There is always excitement and a buzz in the air when discussions take place around ai, its hard sometimes to know where sci-fi stops and science begins. It has to be admitted there has been significant progress in ai in the field of pathology in recent years, however whilst we would like to imagine the innovations in deep learning techniques, advanced algorithms and predictive analysis could transform diagnostic reporting, the reality is we are still battling to move pathology from the microscope to the digital slide, so it's going to be a while before we have automated diagnostic reporting!
Our ai team, probably like many others, needs curbing away from the exciting visions of ai applications from time to time, as we try and work on projects which are more practical and have chance of being adopted in the short term. A particular area we have significant progress in is the introduction of ai to our billing module, whereby accurate billing is being picked up from the actual report rather than any ICD10 or CPT codes. 
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