We participate in events around the world; as an exhibitor to showcase and inform the market of  our products and prpvide developmental updates ytp put technology, to our prospective clients,  and  



Uralensis business executives have experience to assist you in setting up your new venture. We can help by brainstorming & helping you analyze your desired outcomes, investigating resource requirements & operational details. We help you put together a business plan, including financial projections if you need to make funding applications. We put you in touch with legal & taxation advisors and help you register your new entity with the State, getting tax ID and any licenses you may require.  



We help you analyze your channels to market, and create your marketing plan. Our Executives support you with brand identity creation and trademarking. The marketing team can advice you on website design and put you in touch with designers and developers to build your website, as well as assisting you to realize the online marketing strategy based on your marketing plan goals. The aim is for you to have all the tools necessary for a successful practice.





Overview of PathHub Matrix Widget Library  

It's very much a support service, as we believe you leading & driving the process is a vital part of the exciting journey such a venture can be. The most important element? Support from those close to you!



If you would like to discuss further, we offer a no obligation sixty minute consultation